
Knoop is a e-commerce company that sells handmade bagstraps made from rope. Knoop wanted to increase visibility via paid advertising.

July 5, 2023
Sam van Houten
Knoop bagstrap macrame attached to bag

Knoop is an e-commerce company that sells handmade bag straps made from rope. The founder of Knoop makes these custom and colourful bag handles by hand. Each one is unique and turns any bag into a iconic accessory.

Paid advertising to validate market

Knoop wanted to increase their short term visibility via paid advertising to quickly learn how paid advertising would affect their revenue. Together we created multiple campaigns within the Netherlands, Europe and the United States. We focussed our advertising efforts on Instagram and Social Media with multiple different goals; increase sales, increase brand awareness and increase followers on social media.

With a minimal budget we increased the social reach to +250k people in one month. Of course the results that matter are the increase in revenue: 160% increase vs. the month before and 185% increase vs. the month before.

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